Well, world, how was your weekend? We had a fairly exciting one here in my world. First off, we had Addison this weekend, so that was the major bonus of the past few days. I love having her here, she's so well-behaved for us and it's just wonderful to have a little person following me around the house, or sitting in my lap. Her shoulder is all healed up now, too, so she's out of her brace. She still remembers that she had a boo-boo, though, and occasionally she'll touch her shoulder and say "Boo-boo...all better!" and then give us a big goofy grin to prove that she's in top form again LOL. Unfortunately, I didn't get to spend much time with her. I was feeling kinda icky all weekend, and I had to work, but she did get some good quality time with her daddy, and that's always a good thing. I came home from work Saturday night and the door was locked (we keep it locked all the time, especially when Addison is here) and I could see her through the blinds, sitting in the kitchen while BJ cooked dinner. I pecked on the door and she ran over and yelled "KATI! HOME!" and tried her hardest to open the door. She couldn't quite get the lock, so BJ helped her, and she opened the door for me and gave me a big smile and said "HOME!" Then I got a big hug and a kiss, and all thoughts of how awful work was were totally forgotten. Today, she got to spend the day with BJ and his mom and dad (her Nana and Poppy) before she went back to her mother's house, so her life was good this weekend.
As for me, and regarding that "icky" feeling all weekend, I had such a toothache that it was making me sick to my stomach. I'm used to my teeth hurting now and then, so I'll generally just take some ibuprofen and rest for a while and I'm good as new. This weekend, however, things did not go as planned. Friday night I went to bed in pain, Saturday I felt relatively okay, and then Saturday night I started to feel a little worse. My jaw was aching, and it felt like someone was stabbing me in the jaw with something really REALLY sharp. I took my usual ibuprofen and laid down, only to wake up a couple hours later in so much pain that I was practically screaming into the pillow. Rather than wake Addison up with my misery, I went into the living room and curled up on the couch, willing the pain to subside. Instead of subsiding, it only intensified, until I literally WAS screaming into my pillow. I sobbed and squealed for at least 2 hours before I could finally come down enough to rest. By the time I woke up this morning, BJ and Addison had already left for his parents' house (he woke me briefly to see how I was feeling, and my response was "Please make it stop...", so he left me here to rest on my own, which was greatly appreciated), and I woke up to yet another screaming, crying fit of pain. After a trip to Walgreens, and $20 of tooth pain supplies that did NOTHING for my pain, I managed to talk myself into resting again, so I napped for maybe an hour, only to wake up to...you guessed it...screaming sobbing pain.
By the time BJ came home, I was feeling a bit better, and he asked to see how my tooth was looking. I showed him, and he turned white. Seems I didn't just have a toothache...I had a nice painful abscess, to the point that my gum was swollen so much that I couldn't close my mouth all the way. I had tried everything to get the pain/infection to give - salt water rinses, peroxide rinses (which made me sick from the taste in my mouth afterward), brushing my teeth gently, benzocaine gel, clove oil...nothing gave me any significant amount of relief. BJ warned me that if the abscess pocket got any bigger, or if the pain got any worse, we were going to the hospital. Abscesses, as I'm sure you all know, are not something to play around with. So, later, when I yawned and felt a hot POP in my jaw, followed by a sharp burst of wet-your-pants-worthy pain...he packed me in the truck and away we went. They discharged me about two hours ago, after giving me a pain killer, and lancing and draining the swelling on my gum. Not a fun experience, but I feel a million and one percent better, and I left with a prescription for painkillers (Hydrocodone), antibiotics (Clindmycin) and a medicated mouthwash (Chlorhexidine) to help keep the lance site clean. So, that explains my medicated state...I'm on low-dose, generic Lortab, and BOY DO THEY WORK! My jaw's still feeling a little tight, but there's no more major pain or swelling...just a bit of pressure, so at least I'll get a full night's sleep tonight.
Oh, almost forgot...I applied for a new job. My job at JCPenney isn't a bad one, don't get me wrong, but I'd definitely like to be back in my chosen career field. So on Friday, I put in an application to The Tennessean (Tennessee's major newspaper) for a position as a copy editor. It may not be a reporter's job, but it's a foot in the door, and at least I'll be back in an environment I belong in! So, wish my luck on the job application!
In the meantime, my meds are seriously kicking my butt, so I've GOT to go lay down. I'll keep everyone posted on the job, and on everything else here in my world! Night-night, blogland!

Well I hope you are feeling better Puddyface. *HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG* Oh, and watch out for the clindamycin - it has a tendency to predispose you to a yeast infection - even if you've never had one before. Just keep an eye out for any symptoms and get it treated quickly - it's WAY less miserable that way.
ReplyDeleteLove you Puddy Girl! *HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGG*