Hey, world! Yeah, I know, I kinda dropped off the face of my blog there for a while, but I'm still alive, and I'm back! Things have been a little hectic lately with the hours that both of us have been working. It seems like there's always something to do, somewhere to go, something that needs to happen. So, for most of the time that I've been home as of late, I've spent planning and managing and cleaning. It feels like all my days off are just PFFT...gone! Which is odd, because they have me working the silliest schedule I've ever seen. Out of the 20 hours a week that I was promised, I work for two days. And believe me, they aren't slighting me on hours! I work two ten-hour days, with a bunch of days off in between! And somehow, those days get past me and still leave me with leftover things to do! And those ten-hour days are KILLING ME! I'd rather work 5 hours for 4 days than work 2 ten-hour shifts...my feet can't take much more! I came home last night and took my shoes off and it felt like I had two hot irons in my hands when I touched my feet! At work, I spent my breaks (and there were only two of them) with my shoes off, so my feet didn't swell into them permanently! So, guess what I'm getting tomorrow when I get paid?? SHOES THAT WON'T KILL ME!! YAY!!!!
Among the things that I've spent my down time on, one has finally come to fruition...that's right, I finally finished the photo album I've been working

so hard on! It took some serious time to get everything styled the way I wanted it, and to put my stamp on it, but I FINALLY got it done, so far! There will be more, and I'm thinking of adding more albums to the main one, splitting them up some and adding more of the pictures I already have. The ones I've posted are some of my personal favorites, the ones I'm the most proud of, I guess. Here's a copy of one of my nicer pictures, just to tide you all over...what do you think so far?
There's more where this came from, from nature and scenery to kids and random objects, so feel free to check out my album -
www.tinyheart.myphotoalbum.comWell, world, I need food, and I have some window shopping to do, so I'll head out and leave you all to go investigate my photo album as you see fit!
Oh Puddy, I know what you mean about work. I swear if I see one more exploded fingertip, hanging fingertip, or severed finger I'm going to scream! Why do people get super stupid around the holidays? It's getting better though, last year it was pieces of hands, this year we've worked our way up to fingers. *L* Yeah...sick and warped...you know how it goes - find something to laugh about or you'll cry about everything. *shrug* Anyways, went and viewed your album and I love your photos! The band ones are exciting and the perspectives are VERY well done! My three favorites are the banister, your journal and pen, and the "Jesus Saves" cross. I'll have to try and get a photo of the tacky neon "Jesus" sign in the little church window down in El Reno and put the two together! Classic! *LOL*
Love that picture of the snowdrop flowers. Looked at some of your pictures, you should have been a photographer for a living. You've got a good eye and a good perspective on not just taking pictures straight on. Wish I had that ability. xxoo