Again, it was quite an adventure. I started with two shades of blue, hoping they would give my hair just enough of a color cast to turn it purple and green (yes, that's the look I was going for, on purpose...) but, alas, it just wasn't in the cards. The brand of dye that I bought wasn't strong enough to permeate the high-quality pink I already had on my hair. So, I kicked it up a notch. I went back to my Manic Panic colors and picked out one called After Midnight Blue. They're not lying!
At first glance, immediately after the dying, my hair looked black. I came into the living room to show BJ and he said "Baby, it turned your hair black!" Then I stepped into the sunlight and his eyes popped a little and he corrected - "OH! It's blue! WOW!" My hair was such a deep shade of blue that it was little more than black with a blue light-cast on it! I rather liked the new look, so I decided to stick with this color for a while.
Now, about the title of this post...ya know how I've said before that occasionally I take fits and just want to do something totally different? Well, this is another one of those times. I decided, this time, to do something that (despite what my mother believes and what she might tell you...) I've always wanted to do. Yup...dreadlocks!
After extensive research on procedures, care and effects, I made the decision and sat down with my supplies: a mirror, little black rubber bands and a fine toothed comb. I'll spare you the details of what I had to do to my hair to make this happen (it will probably make your scalp cry), but in the end, I came away with 34 dreads all over my head, with my bangs split in two at one side and left untouched. I think it came out rather nice, and I've been caring for them appropriately.
Now, before you get all huffled and puffled, let me clear up a few misconceptions that many people have regarding dreads...
#1 : Dreads are NOT dirty. People with dirty dreads are foolish, misinformed people who have no idea how to take care of their hair or their bodies. Anyone who says you absolutely CANNOT wash dreads is a filthy liar (complete pun intended). Shampooing dreads is actually a vital part of the growing process - cleaning away common residues helps the hair stay strong and bind together.
#2 : (And this goes hand-in-hand with the previous tidbit) Dreads are NOT smelly. Again, people with smelly dreads haven't the first clue how to care for them. The smell that comes from dirty dreads is actually mildew, because those people do not properly dry their hair after bathing (assuming they bathe at all...). It's extremely important to make sure the dreads are clean and dry at all times, because wet or damp hair is not only prone to mildew, but it's also much weaker than dry hair.
#3 : Dreads are NOT always a political or religious statement. Yes, they are an icon associated with the Rastafari movement, but that doesn't mean that anyone with dreads is necessarily a Rastafarian.
So, with those things in mind, you can rest assured that I haven't switched religious or political views and that I am not (I repeat NOT) dirty. When I told BJ I wanted dreads, his first concern was that I would smell horrible. I promised him that I would never let my head smell bad, and I've kept my promise. I'd also asked him if he thought I'd look good with them, and he was a bit hesitant at first. But now that he sees I can and will take care of them, he's starting to like them. He even helps me take care of the ones I can't see in the mirror. I have to tame, lock and twist my hair at least every other day to make sure the dreads grow the right way (because there are right and wrong ways, believe it or not), and as long as I ask nicely, BJ will sit behind me and twist my dreads with a little hair spray to lock them in place and prevent massive fraying.
Also, I am very well aware of how I may have to take these out when I decide to, depending on how long I've left them in - I may have to cut them out and have my hair reshaped at a salon. I broke the news to BJ and his heart dropped a little, but he agreed, "As long as you're okay with it, I'm okay with it. I know you don't like your hair too short, but if it's what you want, I won't stop you. Just know that you're beautiful to me, no matter what."
I have to say, the dreads have been a pretty big crowd pleaser, if you don't include Mom, Momma Sue and BJ's sister, Stasia. While they aren't too fond of them, most everyone else really likes them and is interested in how I did it and why. Then, of course, there's the fact that they're blue... That earned me a few strange looks at work, but no more than when it was pink
So, there you are...a tiny blue dreadhead walks among you now! Eventually, I'll put up some pictures of the transformation, but for now, that's all I got!

Nope. Sorry. You know I don't like dreads at all. It is a culture thing and it will ruin your hair. I'm old fashioned and think you should go back to blond, which is how you were born. You had beautiful blond hair and it went so well with the makeup you wore. You're getting older, my dear, do you want to be a hair freak forever? Do you know what you'll look like if you go bald? This is just my opinion, ok? Still love you, but hate the hair colors. xxoo
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ReplyDeleteSorry for the delete - too many errors, it was driving me crazy. To repeat myself:
ReplyDeleteColors don't bother me one way or the other, it's pretty obvious what Nature intended and what she had "help" with. I don't get the dreads though. I never found them particularly attractive on the people who started it and I'm sorry Puddy, I don't find them attractive on tiny little caucasian Puddy Faces. I'll always think you're beautiful no matter what. I'll always love you no matter what. I'll respect your right to try (almost) whatever you want as you grow. I would never base my ultimate opinion of someone solely on their hair (eye color, facial hair, etc), but I don't like them. No-siree-bob, I just plain don't like them. *HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG*
Love you Puddy!!