First of all, Sue had surgery today for her gall bladder. We got a call from Bill saying that everything went smoothly and she was in recovery when he called. Just a few minutes ago, BJ talked to her and she said she was doing pretty good, considering. No one ever comes out of surgery ready to run a marathon, but Sue's had enough surgeries before that this was easier for her, really. She's not quite feeling top-notch, but she'll get there quickly enough. The fact that everything went well and she's feeling alright is enough to make me happy, and we're going over for dinner tonight, so we'll get to spend time with her, Bill and Stasia.
Second, BJ got a new car yesterday. It came down to where we just couldn't afford to make the truck payment since we'd both been out of work for so long, so we took $400 cash to a man in Nashville and BJ bought a 1994 Ford Probe. It's not the prettiest car in the world, but it's a good A-to-B car for the time being, and Probes are pretty reliable little vehicles. We have a long-term plan for that car, but I'll explain that after the NEXT piece of good news...
BJ GOT THE JOB AT DISH NETWORK! He applied to them a month or so ago and they called last week to have him in for a second interview, then followed up by scheduling a physical ability test this morning. He passed with flying colors, of course, and before we even got home from his appointment, the hiring supervisor from Dish called and left a message about receiving the results of BJ's test. When BJ called him back, he made BJ a formal offer to start work with the next training class on Monday at 8 a.m.! He'll be trained as a cable installer, and after 5 weeks of paid training, they pack him up in a van and send him out on solo jobs. This will be a good job for him since he's very technically inclined. Also, there are benefits available after a certain period, so he'll have medical insurance for himself and Addison before too long, and the pay is outstanding on top of plenty of room for overtime and bonuses.
We'd started planning things in two directions before today - one plan for if he DIDN'T get the job, and one for if he DID. Since he did, we'll be going with the plan we sorted out, which is as follows:
For starters, this job alone can and will ensure that all of our major bills (rent, electric, phone and food) are taken care of. My job helps ensure the rest (fuel, savings and extra cash). BJ and I have separate accounts right now, and we're going to be opening a joint-access account for the household so that either of us can pay bills. With that in mind, we'd like to move to a better house/apartment. Not immediately, of course, but in the near future. This one is nice, but it's so small there's barely enough room for the two of us, let alone Addison when she comes to stay. Besides, part of the point in life is to work for better where it's possible, and it's definitely feasible for us to get a bigger place after a while. We also have plans for better vehicles for both of us. We hope to be able to trade in the car BJ has now with some cash on top of it to get a better car, be it another Probe or something else. With BJ having the new job, combined with my job, we'll be able to save up and set some money aside piece by piece specifically for that purpose.
Also, BJ's friend Geno is setting up to buy a new truck, and he made BJ an offer last night to hand over his current truck to BJ for about $1000 in April of next year. By then, we'll have the money for it, and we'll have traded BJ's Probe for something a little better. So, when he buys Geno's truck, I'll take over driving the other car and we'll be selling the car I have now, a little `89 Subaru GL named Lily B. (cause she's a Li'l Badass LOL). I paid $600 for it, and while I don't expect to get exactly that, we'll get what we can for her.
In the meantime, I've taken over responsibility for the household budget, and it's improved by leaps and bounds in just the week that I've been the resident bookkeeper. I might not have always listened as well as I should have, but my mommy taught me well. As long as we stick to the budget, we'll do very well for ourselves. As it stands, our budget is so tight it has no room to squeak...instead, it kinda grinds to produce that strange, ominous steel-door-creaking noise, like the door to the Bat Cave LOL
Oh, almost forgot...we'll have Addison this weekend, which is something we always look forward to! It's nice to hear her tearing around the house, and personally I just like to see her and BJ together. He loves her dearly, and she loves him just as much. You can see her little eyes light up when she sees and talks to him, and for all his tough-man cast-iron front, he melts when it comes to her. Also, she's really starting to like me. She's to the point now that she'll say my name and ask for me when I'm not visible, and she can recognize my picture. And you all know I'm a sucker for kid-hugs...nothing beats a pair of itty-bitty arms squeezing you for all they're worth! It makes me miss Matt (and, boy, do I miss him!) but I know I'll see him again soon.
I'm still working and trying to figure out whether or not I'll have the money to make it home for Christmas. I would love to be there, especially since Grandma is having pictures taken this year so she can have a new picture with her and all the grand- and great-grandbabies, and with this being the first Christmas without Nanny or Poppy. If I can't make it home, it'll break my heart a little, but just so everyone knows - even if I can't make it, I'll be safe and in good hands.
So, as you can see, things are looking up for me and BJ, separately and together. I could talk for days, and you still wouldn't understand how truly HAPPY I am with the place I've found in my life. I have a good job and good relationships to build on, a wonderful family and extended family, and someone who loves me and takes care of me as much as I do him. In short - I have a beautiful life, and it only gets better every day.
That's all for now, world...I'll keep you posted!

Congrats to BJ! I know you are both thrilled.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you can't make it home for this Christmas don't feel too sad - There will be more, trust me. Matt will miss you but he is old enough to understand about money matters.
He still has a "saving wallet" and a "spending wallet" and he hates to touch the saving one. Maybe he should call it his "Miser Wallet"? Anyway, enjoy your life and your Christmas. And please both of you be careful this winter - it's rumored to be a long cold one. Love you Girlie!
I'm glad things are looking up for you guys Puddy! The job stuff sounds great and it also sounds like you have a pretty sensible plan for the near future. I hope all gos well for Sue and that she heals quickly - please let her know she is in my prayers for a quick and complete recovery from her surgery. I hope you get a chance to get home for the holidays - I know everyone will miss you if you can;t make it. I also know everyone will understand and will be happy as long as YOU are happy! *HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS*