What I found was the story of 17-month-old Baby P, whose full first name was Peter. On August 3, 2007, paramedics were called to a home in Haringey, north London, where they found Peter’s lifeless body in a blood-splattered crib, and the details that have come to light since then regarding his death and the events leading up to it are not only sickening, but a terrifying look at what we, as society at large, allow to happen to children.
A ban had been placed over news coverage of the case, barring specific information from being publicly released, and that ban expired today. Today, people around the world got a first look at three of the monsters responsible for this child’s tragic circumstances – his mother, Tracy Connelly; her boyfriend, Steven Barker; and the boyfriend’s brother, Jason Owen.
Little Peter suffered for at least eight months prior to his death, and in that time endured injuries so horrific that I simply can’t talk about them. At the time of his death, Peter had more than 50 injuries to his small body. This helpless child was beaten and tortured at the hands of those who should have been caring for him, nurturing him and loving him.
Peter was born on March 1, 2006. In December of that year, social workers noticed bruises on Peter’s face and chest and called police, who arrested Connelly and placed Peter in the care of a family friend. He was returned to his mother in January 2007. Over the next few months, Peter was seen in hospitals on two separate occasions, which led to Connelly’s second arrest in March of that year. Again, Peter was returned to her.
Three months later, in June, another social worker found marks on Peter’s body and called police again. Medical exams concluded that the bruises were the result of child abuse, and Peter was again placed with family friends. By July, Peter was back with his mother, because it was determined that the “threshold for initiating Care Proceedings…was not met.” On August 1, Peter was seen a doctor at St. Ann’s Hospital in London, where a pediatrician noticed injuries but apparently failed to report their extent. Connelly was informed on August 2 that she would not be prosecuted for any wrongdoing; Peter was found dead the following day. A post-mortem exam showed that almost all of the injuries to Peter’s body predated his August 1 visit to the hospital.
According to press releases, Connelly claims she was unaware of what was happening in her home – she was too busy surfing the internet to be bothered with the screams that came from her son’s room; screams that Barker dismissed as attempts by his brother and him to “toughen him up.” In addition to the physical abuse Barker and Owen inflicted on Peter, they also used their dog to terrify him, at the very least. Reports on Peter’s injuries state that some of the wounds on his head appeared to be dog bites.
Connelly, Barker and Owen were sentenced on May 22, 2009, by Judge Steven Kramer, who spoke directly to Connelly, saying, “You are a manipulative and self-centered person, with a calculating side as well as a temper. I reject the suggestion that you were blind to what was happening in that house or that you were naïve…your conduct over the months prevented Peter from being seen by social services. You actively deceived the authorities.”
In addition to the atrocities against Peter, Barker and Connelly were also charged and tried for their involvement in the rape of a 2-year-old girl, and the sentencing for that trial and Peter’s took place together.
The outcome?
Steven Barker was given a life sentence with a minimum of 10 years for the rape charges; only 12 years for his role in Peter’s death. Tracy Connelly was given an “indefinite” sentence (“indefinite” meaning she’ll be held until she’s been “deemed no longer to be a risk to the public and in particular to small children”) with a minimum of five years. Jason Owen was also given an “indefinite” sentence. His minimum time served is three years.
How can society allow this to happen? How can we overlook something like this? A poor defenseless child was tortured for months on end, with no salvation until his death. People are asking “If there is a God, why did He let this happen?” God didn’t simply “let this happen.” God gave everyone involved a choice: protect this baby, save this child – or I will. And when the people in his life failed him, God ended his suffering and took him home. What pains me the most is that it had to come to that, Peter’s suffering ended by God’s hand, before it would be ended by the people in charge of his welfare.
In the House of The Lord, Peter will never suffer again, but how many more children on Earth will? How many children have to suffer because of society’s ignorance and indifference before everyone finally sees what precious gifts those children are?
Maybe I sound like I want to change the world…and I do. I’ve seen what neglect and mistreatment can do, even to a child that lives through the pain. I do want to change the world. But I can’t do it alone.
All I ask is this: if you read this, anyone – be kind to children, whether they’re your own or someone else’s. Smile at them, say something nice. If you have children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, etc. – hug them; give them the love they desperately need. And if you see a child mistreated and uncared-for – don’t just sit there and watch it happen. Say something, do something. And, if the laws of man ignore your voice, rest assured – God won’t ignore it. God will hear, if no one else will.
Rest in peace, baby Peter. You’re safe now.