Things have been...well...things, lately, I suppose. Ups and downs, all kinds of things. Best to get the bad out of the system first, so for starters, my hours at work have been so viciously slashed that I've started looking for a new job. I'm still employed at JCPenney, don't worry. I'm just looking into other avenues of work. This week, I'm scheduled for a whopping 8 hours, and next week I move up to 12. It's a bit depressing, to be honest, but I shall prevail! We suspected something seriously wrong with the car not long ago, which turned out to be nothing but a false alarm - misinterpreted vehicular symptoms. My Lily is a grouchy old thing, she takes fits every so often, and it's up to me and BJ to diagnose or dismiss her foul moods.
On the positive side, and as far as the job search goes, I have a prospective lead. Several months ago, I posted a profile on a free childcare search site called While browsing through some classifieds on MySpace, I came across an ad for childcare, and the link took me to Until then, I had forgotten that I'd posted a profile, but I got to looking around and replied to several ads I found. One of the posters requested a criminal background check for me (which came back clean, of course, cause I'm a good girl!), and I submitted the necessary information. Afterward, she requested my home phone number so we could speak, and called me the next day regarding the job. The position is caring primarily for her newborn, and occasionally for her 3-year-old twins. I'm used to dealing with multiple young children, and newborns are as much work as you make of them, really. Eat, sleep, cry, fart, poop, repeat. 3-year-olds are easily occupied by many of the same things that occupy me (i.e. shiny things and music), and from what their mother told me, they are very outdoor-play oriented and love art, simple crafts, music, dance and being read to. The phone conversation went fairly well, I'd say, and she agreed to call me back about the position after she spoke with her husband, so I expect a phone call at some point this week. Again - keep your fingers crossed for me!
In other fun news, we had Addison with us for 3 whole days last weekend. Since BJ's schedule changed, he now has three days in a row off, which gives him more time with Addison when she's here. She was a joy to have, as usual, and even proved her future medical competence. BJ's mother is a diabetic, and takes shots regularly to control her blood sugar. We had dinner with Sue and Stasia the night Addison came, so before dinner when it was time for Sue's shot, Addison stood in front of her Nanna to inspect the process. Instead of simply watching, she lifted her Nanna's shirt and informed Nanna that she needed to unbutton her pants. She then drew a circle where Nanna needed to swab the injection site, and watched while Sue put the needle in. Once the needle was in, Addison pressed the plunger for her Nanna and announced "Nanna shot! All better!" Addison is entirely too bright for her own good, and I LOVE IT! Also, while she was here, I suffered a killer toothache, and was taking Ibuprofen and Naproxen for the pain. Addison saw me taking the pills and asked, "Kati medicine? Boo boo?" I said, "Yes, sweetheart, Kati has a boo boo." Addison made a little sad sound and said, "Awww! Kati boo boo kiss!" and pressed a tiny kiss to the side of my face that hurt and said "Kati boo boo all better!" I think we have a future doctor or paramedic in the making! She was such a good girl for us that, on her last here, we took her to McDonald's for dinner. This is rare for us, we try to keep Addison away from fast food and too much grease. Ordinarily, we cook full meals and eat together at the table, when all of us are here. Eating together is rubbing off on her, because I came home from work one night to find that BJ had saved me a plate from dinner. Addison and BJ had already eaten, so I warmed my plate up and sat down at the table. I was quickly joined by Addison, along with her blankie and her Gus-Gus (a white stuffed tiger her daddy gave her), and she chattered with me while I ate my dinner. I don't know what I'd do without that little angel running around here every other weekend! I just wish it was more often...
Since yesterday was St. Patrick's Day, and we haven't been out since LONG before we moved in, BJ and I decided to catch a local band's show. The band we went to see, Paradise Daze, consists mainly of people that BJ went to high school with and is close friends with, so we try to support them as much as we can. That aside, they are very talented musicians, and we thoroughly enjoy seeing, hearing and watching them perform. For those of you who have been to my album site, Paradise Daze is the band that I have the most pictures of. At their shows, I try to take as many good pictures as I can to help them out with media and PR. I do it for free, as a favor to them and myself. It's a good situation for both of us, because it helps them advertise themselves to the public, and helps me showcase my photography. We even got Sue to go with us, and she had a wonderful time. The band's bassist, Donnie, has been asking her for years to come to a show, but her work schedule prevents her from going. Last night, she had the opportunity and it was a free show, so we had dinner together and made the trip out to the show. The guys were fabulous, as always, and Sue had a terrific time getting out of the house and seeing what the boys have been to for all these years!
Let's see, let's see...what else...oh! We're looking into getting a sibling for Swisher. We've been checking the animal shelters and pet stores for kittens with personality, and we've narrowed it down to a couple that we met today at the Robertson County Animal Shelter. We've also discussed the matter with Swisher, who seems alright with the idea. He tends to snort at us a little, but I think once he meets his little brother or sister, his attitude will change. He'll have someone to play with while we're at work, and someone to teach how to stalk, play and pounce. I'll keep you posted on the growing kitty population of the household!
Well, I think that about sums it up for me as of late. Not much else to tell, but I'll keep everyone up to date on my comings and goings!

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